Russia is playing a very dangerous game of intimidation, with military planes threatening U.S. ships and aircraft that are in international waters or airspace. Their objective is to embarrass the U.S. and to show NATO allies that the U.S. is a paper tiger, unwilling or unable to respond to the overt aggression shown recently against the U.S.
Russia has already annexed a portion of Ukraine called Crimea, and it seems to be threatening NATO forces in certain other areas in order to project strength and control.
So far, the Obama administration has done nothing to stop the actions other than to complain to the Russians and the world press. The Russians understand strength, not complaints, and they have clearly made Obama and the United States look impotent and unwilling to protect and support allies. Even more surprising, not only are the Russians overtly challenging the U.S., but they are making claims about who is at fault, claims that are clearly untrue.
Russians make ridiculous claims, page 2:
don’t do anything drastic Russia till we get rid of Ovomit and maybe, just maybe Trump can stop this
Good, hopefully it will include your pilots ejecting from a burning aircraft and our Destroyers rescuing them from drowning.
we have had Russia coming way to close and Korean. and another country sitting not to far off Alaska’s. coast esp in last couple years…These ship have spy equipment and are just inside the twelve mile US waters. some locals who fish UN these waters have been limiting commercial fishing because they worry about these taking them.
Putin hates Obama. He’s trying to get a rise out of him, but Obama isn’t doing it.
What are we doing in the Baltic Sea?
well let the destroyers shoot them down
They’re pulling this$#%&!@*now, but once that$#%&!@*obamas out of office and Trumps in, this will stop.
Why are ship in the Baltic Sea . We should be in our waters protecting What out our ship we are sitting ducks
Hit him with your purse Barry!
This is nothing more than propaganda. Russia never had troops in the Ukraine. The only Russian troops in the Ukraine were volunteers from Russia to help Ukraine with their civil war. I know from good sources that the U.S. is eager to start a war with Russia due to the formation of BRICS, and the losing of control the U.S. had over the petrodollar. The U.S. government has murdered countless civilians in the Middle East and lied about their reason for doing so. It started when in October of 2000 Saddam Hussein decided to sell oil in the Euro instead of the U.S. dollar in order to increase the profit. 53% of American taxes go to support the U.S. military so that the U.S. leaders can continue to bully the rest of the world into submission. There is now over whelming evidence that the U.S. government along with their ally Saudi Arabia murdered thousand of American citizen on 9/11 so that they could create a reason to wage war in the Middle East and remove any Middle Eastern leader that dose not comply with their policy concerning the petrodollar. GO$#%&!@*OFF!!!! Even if a gun was stuck to my head to force me to comply with such barbaric nonsense I would prefer to die.