In a high-risk move that has shocked many and worried many more, President Trump ordered the launching of cruise missiles on a Syrian airbase in response the use of chemical weapons, allegedly by Syria, on a city killing at lest 70 people including 20 children. Now Russia, as Syria’s ally, denounced the attack, verbally attacked President Trump, and declared that Russia and the US are “one step from war.”
It’s a surprise move for many reasons, not the least of which when seen in the light of President Trump’s repeated promotion of a more of a non-interventionist policy during his presidential campaign as well as his remarks seeking closer relations with Russia. With Russia and the US at odds of the this attack, not only have tensions risen, but that policy has been called into question.
More on page two.
Putin go sit down, you can’t even think about it, we will tear you up !
Then step the$#%&!@*back …Bitch
They are also the poorest LMAO
With what ? A fucking UPS truck ?
With what ? A fuckin UPS truck ? They cant get a missile barely off the ground let alone with the payload of their crude nuclear warheads.
Most Americans I know dont “like” war … Most Americans I know also dont like to be looked at like a$#%&!@*when these 3rd world$#%&!@*pimples threaten us or our allies and foreign interests … get used to it the 8 years of obama’s Pussyism is OVER !
Just say boo!!!! it scares the Libtards and snowflakes more than you flying your old antique aircraft near Alaska.LOL
It is what it is, God is in control.
Silly people,we are ready on WW3….
Wtf. He’s Really lost his sanity!!