In a high-risk move that has shocked many and worried many more, President Trump ordered the launching of cruise missiles on a Syrian airbase in response the use of chemical weapons, allegedly by Syria, on a city killing at lest 70 people including 20 children. Now Russia, as Syria’s ally, denounced the attack, verbally attacked President Trump, and declared that Russia and the US are “one step from war.”
It’s a surprise move for many reasons, not the least of which when seen in the light of President Trump’s repeated promotion of a more of a non-interventionist policy during his presidential campaign as well as his remarks seeking closer relations with Russia. With Russia and the US at odds of the this attack, not only have tensions risen, but that policy has been called into question.
More on page two.
Then you better step back, dumba$$….
And how is that any different than the US? Our economy is in the gutter, our weapons are out date, Obama just about destroyed our military, but at least we now have someone in office that is trying to fix our problems.
Russia is a nobody anymore who cares what putin says
Be that as it may. America’s still in much better shape than Russia. Don’t forget we also have battle harden troops ready.
If your not going to be part of the solution then your part of the problem.
We die you die
Let’s put Russia in perspective … they have a GDP smaller hanncalifornia … they have a negative mortality rating (population is shrinking) .. all they have is a old claim to fame when they were feared … but no longer they are simply a paper tiger…
So be it. God be with the U.S.A.!
Bla bla bla we are always at war or close to it…nothing new .
Yeah right!