In a high-risk move that has shocked many and worried many more, President Trump ordered the launching of cruise missiles on a Syrian airbase in response the use of chemical weapons, allegedly by Syria, on a city killing at lest 70 people including 20 children. Now Russia, as Syria’s ally, denounced the attack, verbally attacked President Trump, and declared that Russia and the US are “one step from war.”
It’s a surprise move for many reasons, not the least of which when seen in the light of President Trump’s repeated promotion of a more of a non-interventionist policy during his presidential campaign as well as his remarks seeking closer relations with Russia. With Russia and the US at odds of the this attack, not only have tensions risen, but that policy has been called into question.
More on page two.
Putin..we are not. .sit down before I strap you into chair
Another F**E post to make you hate Putin who likes America! The Liberals are trying to make President Trump look bad!
The only step is North Korea w the weapons threat has to stop ✋
More f**e news folks
Your one sick fucker
Carla Fullmer Bingo just more f**e news to Rebel Rouse Dumbos!
Go for it you twerp!!
We are always one step away from war what else is new?
Russia is weak. At any given time 1/2 they weapons of war aren’t operational. Their economy is in bad shape. They cannot afford to support a war either. They do have nukes but, then so do we and our missile shield is amazing. Pooter is a paper tiger.
So,, you condone NK nuking the US?
If so, then yes you are!