In a high-risk move that has shocked many and worried many more, President Trump ordered the launching of cruise missiles on a Syrian airbase in response the use of chemical weapons, allegedly by Syria, on a city killing at lest 70 people including 20 children. Now Russia, as Syria’s ally, denounced the attack, verbally attacked President Trump, and declared that Russia and the US are “one step from war.”
It’s a surprise move for many reasons, not the least of which when seen in the light of President Trump’s repeated promotion of a more of a non-interventionist policy during his presidential campaign as well as his remarks seeking closer relations with Russia. With Russia and the US at odds of the this attack, not only have tensions risen, but that policy has been called into question.
More on page two.
Putin is the read Dictator thinks Russia is above everyone else
‘Non-interventionist policy’ be it as it may. Sometimes ya just gotta stand up and kick the$#%&!@*in the nuts whether you like it or not. It’s still one hell of a lot better than running around bending over for and apologizing to any and everyone making yourself and those whom you supposedly represent look like a bunch of weakling faggots. Good old limp$#%&!@*O$#%&!@*(being somewhat ‘gender confused) just wanted a piece of Vlads’ tight little muscular$#%&!@* If ‘PRESIDENT’ Trump now has to kick it, oh, well.$#%&!@*does after all, happen from time to time. It’s to bad O$#%&!@*never really figured out what evolution gave him a set of ‘balls’ for. And I’m NOT talking about the ones he chins up to that his husbands’ Man Mountain Mike owns. In large part, it’s the ‘snivelrals’ *not to mention a few select within the GOP) who’ve gotten us into a lot of this mess sellin’ America out and followin’ the central banks’ globalization agenda. Thank them.
Bill Lozier The other sad side is that they still DON’T arrest, indict and try the ones who so desperately deserve it.
Never gonna happen. Russia is a joke.
More f**e news
Time to hand pity his ass
It’s going to happen anyway, come and get it BITCH
You can’t control what you don’t know !
Damn do we need to send our nukes over there and blow your$#%&!@*off the map to beleave me we got enough nuclear bombs that if we started droping bombs today it would take us a 1000 years to drop all the bombs we got so i dont thank you people want a part of our military we have had a enough of this garbage its time for us to step it up and stop leting all these countrys run over us