An anonymous U.S. official (interesting how many officials are anonymous these days…) told CNN Thursday that Russian fighter jets turned off their transponders as they flew into Syria in an apparent attempt to avoid detection. The official said the fighters flew very close to a transport plane that had its transponder on and functioning. More on this quiet invasion on the next page:
Are you crazy? How could they sneak anything, when our president has said we are watching all countries very closely.
I doubt they snuck in any thing. The world has eyes on Syria and how Putin is creating a mega army for defense of his dearly beloved Assad. Putin does no sneaking in this case. On the other hand, what other motives does he have in setting up shop right smack dab in the middle of the Middle East? We can all guess.
They weren’t sneaking, they don’t Respect us at all
Get them Putin & take Obama & the whole lot of his cronies
Kerry is uninformed
WTF is obama hussein looking to go to war with Russia well i think that he might underestimate Putin, and i bet the American people do not want this
Does anyone believe that Putin would be doing this if we had a Republican President in the White House?
If they flew in they didn’t sneak in. We have radar all over that place. Obama knew and let it happen because his Muslims brothers must become stronger than America.
isn’t kerry one brilliant s. o. b.
Russia is fighting isis…why stop them? Ovomit, the wuss in chief, sure as hell isn’t doing anything, he wants to protect his JV team a.k.a. isis.