An anonymous U.S. official (interesting how many officials are anonymous these days…) told CNN Thursday that Russian fighter jets turned off their transponders as they flew into Syria in an apparent attempt to avoid detection. The official said the fighters flew very close to a transport plane that had its transponder on and functioning. More on this quiet invasion on the next page:
Obama and his office are Terrorist murders, using tax payers money.. stop the trader..
Secularist Assad killed 80 terrorists with chemical weapons… Obamunist RinoKrats murdered 1.5 million Christians with their armed and funded “moderate” terrorists. So what if Assad crossed the “red line”… ?? Our FALSE “conservative” propaganda is protecting ISIS oil $$$$ and their illegal Muslim army spreading across every border… all to stop the Gazprom competition $$$$ ??? Russia is now more of a free and Christian nation than we are !!!
Russia announce 3 weeks ago that they were bringing in fighter jets. There is no secret.
the russians are doing in syria what obummer should have done
who care let them blow each other up just get raid of them
That’s exactly what is going to happen. It’s a world-wide takeover plan created and implemented by the Globalists/Elitists for their NWO (New World Order). It’s the reason for the influx of Muslims (called an invasion), but they MUST take down the U.S. now. That’s Obama’s role. The heads of the countries are all being played…they’re PUPPETS. The Globalists pull their strings! Open your eyes, read on other nation’s sites, and do much research. You will NOT gear about it in television. You MUST research, because there is miss-information out there, also. Research the sites and follow the money!! Learn about who is in the control seat! Look at the Rothchikds, Rockefellers, Morgan’s, and check out the Agenda 21. That’s a start!
Well said Christine Valastro!
No, he’s not a Christian, Faye Garoian, and His country says a BIG role in end-time prophecy, as do the Chinese!! People need to make SURE of their relationship with God, because MANY are going to be deceived!!
Of course… Kerry is, along with Oblama, supporting ISIS.and wants to stop the devistation Russia is reeking upon them.
If so, it’s all because of the ineptitude and deviousness of you and your boss, Oblamer!! Impeach these two idiots!