An anonymous U.S. official (interesting how many officials are anonymous these days…) told CNN Thursday that Russian fighter jets turned off their transponders as they flew into Syria in an apparent attempt to avoid detection. The official said the fighters flew very close to a transport plane that had its transponder on and functioning. More on this quiet invasion on the next page:
Oh that’s brilliant! Let’s run a bunch of F-15s and F-22s against the Mig-29s, -31s and Su-35s..giant fur ball of twisted metal and dead fighter pilots while ISIS marches on and go. Idiots!!!!
I don’t think they sneaked them in he sent them in openly .
And those SA 22’s for ISIS air force……….
the art of propaganda is the wording used to describe any one situation
Russia has been very much above board on every move they have made, unlike Obama who does everything in secrecy
send them all to alla putin
the little he/she we have for a president won,t do anything but help isis
Don’t forget that Kerry supports the radical Muslims(lran).
Who cares. Let me do the job for once. Instead of always the US.
Russia don’t send bombers to bomb empty buildings like Obama. ISIS knows when our bombers leave the ground thanks to all the Muslims Obama has in top security positions.