An anonymous U.S. official (interesting how many officials are anonymous these days…) told CNN Thursday that Russian fighter jets turned off their transponders as they flew into Syria in an apparent attempt to avoid detection. The official said the fighters flew very close to a transport plane that had its transponder on and functioning. More on this quiet invasion on the next page:
Hep Hep Hooray..I love Russia, I love Putin! Go! Russia, Go!
Sneak ? ????
I doubt it , as they have no one to fear .
Lol, and putins afraid of Obama, Ahahahaha
lol sneaky thats a good one…
Russia needs to be helped or left alone…
Still none of our GD business.
Obama doesn’t want Isis killed , Good for Russia .
england an america should be with russia not fight them I will never fight russia. they are killing muslims hahah
So to carry Kerry is admitting that America’s really not going after Isis you people need to wake up and pay attention to what’s really going on over there America’s not trying to get rid of Isis they’re using Isis to get rid of Syria the Russian Federation is going to expose it
Let Kerry lead the first charge.