One would be forgiven for wondering if there are not forces behind the scenes pushing for a conflict between Russia and the United States. In spite of complimentary remarks made over the past couple of months by both President Trump and President Putin about each other, tensions continue to rise.
The train of events include accusations of Russian interference in the US presidential election, the movement of military assets by both governments or their proxies near Russia’s western border, verbal attacks on Mr. Putin by Senator McCain and others, the sudden departure of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn over allegations of improper contacts with a Russian official, and now the appearance of a Russian spy ship near the US East coast. More on page two.
Sally that’s one way to clean house. Lol
Maybe it’s to distract us from trying to make it thru the mess of issues happening with in our Country so us everyday old school people get sweptway. Some how we have to come together. Putting our petty difference aside, cause the government is too bussy fighting with each other worst then ever before. And there are too many crazy, hateful disrespectful self centered people making too much trouble and problems. Our Country and citizens, guest honest people that want to an American citizen need to be protected. Some how we have to make a plan. Before we are defeated at home. Just my thoughts.
NO FOOD shipped to Russians __ until __
we do the same thing to’s all legal as long as distance us kept. there is no story here.
Good maybe they will kill Micheal Moore
If the military is not vigilant then the wolves close in.
this is not true, Cuba had one set there for months and a submarine sit off the coast of Ga
That’s how these shills push their daily bull……Click/Bait…..(Probably one guy sitting in his mom’s basement, heading several of these type of sites. Generates enough revenue from click ad’s, that he/she/they will never have to work a real job in their life. Not blue collar, nor white collar jobs…..You know……..just like Congress…….)
NO………just tell the voices in your head to be quiet Barb…..It’s a regular occurrence, and we do the same with them…………(‘The sky is falling, the sky is falling……)
Obamy is in Washington, D.C……… Close to the White House. Supposedly until daughter finishes school….Is heading up opposition against Trump administration. You read/listen much?……..Obamy blamed Bush all the time, like a school child tattling, and you post this B.S.?………Bahahahahahahahaha……………