One would be forgiven for wondering if there are not forces behind the scenes pushing for a conflict between Russia and the United States. In spite of complimentary remarks made over the past couple of months by both President Trump and President Putin about each other, tensions continue to rise.
The train of events include accusations of Russian interference in the US presidential election, the movement of military assets by both governments or their proxies near Russia’s western border, verbal attacks on Mr. Putin by Senator McCain and others, the sudden departure of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn over allegations of improper contacts with a Russian official, and now the appearance of a Russian spy ship near the US East coast. More on page two.
SHORE LEAVE! LOL! That would send Pelosi, Waters, Lyndsay, McCain, Warren, and the Lot into Seizures!
Wow huge news flash…not…
More like, new #Trump Coast Guard and Navy personnel spotted the ship, and did their job, unlike past politicians in the white house, who remained silent, or slept through the incident.
Except this is f**e news, so there’s that, too.
Hahaha trump is a scared little bitch
Wtf is up with this site… Your article constantly is contradicting itself… The sky is falling… But not really, but look at that over there.. Never mind that’s normal too… But wait… Oh nevermind.. Is this one of those don’t pay attention to the kid behind the curtain kind of sites or what?
Adjust your tin hat your reception will improve
When Russian Spy ships follow our Carrier fleets, they are given positions to take up by the fleet COMMANDER to prevent collisions for God’s sake ! This ain’t news this an attempt at Social Engineering !! And we are supposed to go, OMG ! The Russians are coming, The Russians are coming !!!!
Obama the rat liberal hates Russia because they kill Muslim child molesters
Hey, a least we wouldn’t have to vett them. Lol