One would be forgiven for wondering if there are not forces behind the scenes pushing for a conflict between Russia and the United States. In spite of complimentary remarks made over the past couple of months by both President Trump and President Putin about each other, tensions continue to rise.
The train of events include accusations of Russian interference in the US presidential election, the movement of military assets by both governments or their proxies near Russia’s western border, verbal attacks on Mr. Putin by Senator McCain and others, the sudden departure of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn over allegations of improper contacts with a Russian official, and now the appearance of a Russian spy ship near the US East coast. More on page two.
Stupidity from the left!
It hasn’t been the first time and won’t be the last! We do the same to them I’m sure!
Fact of matter is,I wouldn’t worry too much abt.Russia.It’s the Madman in N.K..he killed his own uncle,and suspected to have killed his step brother!He will kill anyone who gets in his way!!
FYI – Russian WARSHIPS have been docked IN Cuba since Obama “normalized” relations with the communist nation in 2016. It’s ALSO a known FACT that missiles aboard these ships are AIMED in ONE direction alone ….. the United States.
Ahhh, sorry sister, they DON’T have the “right” to be there. Just like the United States doesn’t have the “right” to plant it’s ships thirty miles off the coast of Russia. Let’s just say that if America tried a stunt like THIS, our ships would be at the bottom of the Baltic Sea right about now. ALSO, if we sent out F-18 fighter jets to “buzz” the control towers of their Soviet ships like their MIG’S did to us yesterday, our planes WOULD have been vaporized before you could say, ” Let’s refuel. “
When I was in the navy on the Nimitz a bear in the air call was daily and nothing to do but moon the Russian trawlers always cruising by
Justin it is 3 miles not 12
the ship was in international waters, and the planes, give me a break, russia sells SU 24s to alot of nations.
Why would putin wanna$#%&!@*up his only chance to beat ISIS, he needs the US to pick up the weight of the syrian conflict. Its costing russia a shitload to keep helping assad and theyre gaining no ground.
Use your heads for something other than a seat. The ship is legal in international waters the planes can be bought for the right price.
Sally Cress Waters is more concerned with passing Shariah Law here than with Russians
Harry A. Buttlicker No your wrong30 miles my$#%&!@*we have subs and ships closer than that and we have buzzed their ships just as much as they have us it is all in the game and has been going on for decades get some facts before you post