Russian hackers breached the Pentagon’s email system on July 25th in what is called the ‘most sophisticated’ cyberbreach in the history of the military.
The email system has been offline for the past 11 days after Russian hackers hit 4,000 email accounts of military personnel and civilians.
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are you kidding me John Kerry? Russia and China are not a threat??? you REALLY need to get out of Ovomit’s ass
Is Putin with or against the American people? Maybe it is just the United States government he’s hesitant about
They had inside help
Oh okay, I’m west. The hackers r east.
Let’s ask Russia for Hilary’s emails!
There is no proof that it’s state sponsored. Anonymous hacks inside the U.S. and it’s not state sponsored. In fact there is no way to tell if it’s a criminal or political element. When the American people ask their government for proof, they get nothing, but, Trust us!, well we don’t trust them , not with an election 16 months away.
Doubtful hack… Probably a traitor from within
Don’t worry America is safe under Obama, never had a terrorist attack on U.S. soil under his strong leadership.
here it is a bit funny that politicians think they can still cover thing s up with their lies..more ppl are awake to the status of the world now and no longer believe the c**p they peddle..internet has made it were we can access media from around the globe and see all the lies being told from why does our gov’t think we are so ignorant
U wanna try that again, I can pull a billion people out at u