Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to recover from U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s stern scolding after Russia moved Tuesday to begin the annexation of Crimea.
Kerry warned Putin the action would place Russian on “the wrong side of history.”
Kerry offered the first high-level response to Putin’s defiant speech laying claim to Crimea as a historic part of Russia and criticizing the U.S. and Europe’s response to the crisis in front of an audience of students at the State Department.“I was really struck and somewhat surprised and disappointed by the interpretations and the facts as they were articulated by the president,” Kerry said. “With all due respect, they really didn’t jibe at all with reality or what’s happening on the ground.”
Kerry said it was clear that Russia had intended to complete its annexation of Crimea, and issued a stern warning against further Russian incursions into Eastern Ukraine by Putin’s government.
“We have made it very clear that that’s a hard line in terms of the level — I mean, that will be a major breach and I hope we don’t get there,” Kerry said of the possibility of a further Russian incursion into Ukraine’s east.
With tough talk like that we can almost hear the snickers from the Kremlin here in America.
Source: ABCNews
from what I saw on the news here , the Ukrainians actually want to be a part of Russia , and seriously , what the hell has it got to do with the USA? what the hell has it got to do with anyone other than the Russians and the Ukrainians ? why does the USA get the idea theyre the worlds police force ? if Obama sticks his nose in this one hes going to get his face ripped off , theres a world of difference between sending troops against peasants in Iraq and Afghanistan and getting into a conflict with one of the best trained and equipped forces on the planet. You have been fighting asymmetrical wars in the middle east , any conflict with Russia would be anything but asymmetrical they aren’t peasant that don’t want to be there , they’re trained professional soldiers, not to mention have the backing of china and north korea
why didnt russia keep the a” kisser over there
kerry you are a joke world wide I’m sure Mr Putin is beside himself with laughter. I’m pretty sure the world is on to your party’s little pink lines in the sand stick to sucking the enemy’s dick that’s what your good at.
Lord, that Lurch can be such a comedian…
Why didn’t you impeach Bush and Chaney? Stop the hate its not good for your soul.
The world laughs at America’s stupidity, we have lost all credibility among our planets neighbors because of the Liberal, Progressive, Democratic, Socialist party!
what a pathetic buttwipe……
Kerry is a TWIT
assinine. 🙁
I don’t understand why some people would rather have war than peace-where is the love in that? Shame on you and your haters.