In snub to America and NATO, Russia just announced that they will send long-range bombers on regular patrols over the Gulf of Mexico.
“We have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico,” stated Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Defense for the Russian Federation and General of the Army.
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It’s not against the law. They will be 50 miles from our border
I would’nt get too upset about this. The bomber as described is an obselete machine (Bear). One of the slowest and noisiest aircraft still in service with any country. It’s no longer a bomber just reconnecance aircraft. It’s just snooping in international airspace they have every right to do that as we do them. As a show of being there, that’s all. They’re not finding out anything that couldn’t be detected on a satalite.
OK Mr Putinjust don’t hurt me and PLEASE DONATE TO THE DNC you can do whatever you want SIR I am a $#%&!@*
yep, and obummer will fire a few more military
“Obama’s a dumb ass!”
They are going to be doing WHAT??????? How do they have the authority to come over here and patrol. You know as well as I DO THAT IT WILLLLL BE US NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
HOW MANY OF OUR BOMBERS DID OBUMMER GIVE OR SELL TO RUSSIA. He is the stupidest human I`ve ever seen in my life.One of his Dem followers made the staement that obummer gets his way is because we AM. are stupid. Now seeing reports like this and the one where he fireing all our good soldiers as they come home from the mid-east can almost make one believe that stupid remark—-might be something to it. I dont wont to believe it,but——– America , please pray for America.
Thank God someone is watching us. USA in big trouble funding terrorism & terrorising the middle east.
Obama is sending USA troops to lay down their lives for the idol of the so-called Muslims black stone. Where are they marters for God Almighty fighting those who shall destroy the idol. SHAME ON USA !!
WOE to you Christians Catholics & Baptists the Muslims in idolotry shall destroy you here. Then you yourselves shall call to the God of Abraham Isacc & Jacob. & YOU in idolotry hate ISIS ISIL or IS !! Woe to you all in USA…