In snub to America and NATO, Russia just announced that they will send long-range bombers on regular patrols over the Gulf of Mexico.
“We have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico,” stated Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Defense for the Russian Federation and General of the Army.
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Let them come , we’ll just escort during their flight.
Guess Teddy ‘s big stick must ‘ve got lost while Obama’s in the White House.
Shoot ’em all down…… Let God sort ’em out!
Julie, it comes down to obuma`s incompetence, and cowardice in dealing with the Russians. Two years ago Romney and Ryan told obuma to talk to the Russians seriously about military balance of power and work out a working relationship with them. Instead obuma did not talk, he allowed Putin to tell him what to do. Now he will not listen at all to him and dares him to shoot down his invading bombers. Obuma does not have the courage to face Putin. To add insult to injury, obuma is reducing our military to a point that we will have a hard time defending ourselves. The only hope we have now is both houses of congress take action to over ride obuma`s illegal executive actions…………
Let the tyranny know that we won’t play games
The Russians are saying don’t use oil as a weapon or we will do this and that.
The cold war is back.
I told you I couldn’t do anything until I got reelected. Game on. This is what you get for keeping him in office. It’s only going to get worse.
Looks like a good time for the Texas Air Guard to get some interception practice