According to official Russian sources, Russia seeks to build 10 more operational airfields in the Arctic by the end of this year, adding onto the 4 they currently have.
The military build up there is greater than what he’s actually doing in Russia’s war zones and is more serious challenge to global security – the Arctic is bordered by five NATO members.
Anyone looked at a map? Large portion of Russia is in the Arctic circle…
If you were born there, then you know that the arctic regions cover several countries and not just the state of Alaska. I lived in Alaska about 100 miles south of the Arctic Circle….the village of North Pole.
They will be sorry when all of that ice melts.BHO
And obozo is worried about climate change
I bet it is oil in the Arctic ? Not nuke’s
The reason why is that they don’t believe in global warming. Russia knows that the earth will change dramatically soon and the cold will be the warm and the warm will be the cold. Lets wake up before it’s too late,,
But al Gore said it melted
Are you all awake now?
Are you related to any of the Honeycutt’s out here in the Mat-Su valley in Alaska James?
Edith living here in Alaska doesn’t teach you that. Maps teach you that, people in Australia have the same opportunity of education as we do here in Alaska.