According to official Russian sources, Russia seeks to build 10 more operational airfields in the Arctic by the end of this year, adding onto the 4 they currently have.
The military build up there is greater than what he’s actually doing in Russia’s war zones and is more serious challenge to global security – the Arctic is bordered by five NATO members.
Obama is helping Arab countries build bigger arsenal of weapons than we have .he wants us venerable weak for his Jihad friends
NWO keeps poking him.
Since I was born in Alaska and Alaska use to belong to Russia can I move back! It’s going to be Part of Russia again anyways!
Its Biblical, in Revelations the Russians will attack us from the north, Them Iran China and others
While Obama shops for his pink lace panties in France.
by 2016 Russia will be another Syria
Well they have 31 days.
Roflmao…you really don’t have any idea what you’re talking about…
Oh no no no! Global warming is the biggest threat to the world.
they said Russia was going to attack us from the ”north” thru Canada People just don’t choose to listen