According to official Russian sources, Russia seeks to build 10 more operational airfields in the Arctic by the end of this year, adding onto the 4 they currently have.
The military build up there is greater than what he’s actually doing in Russia’s war zones and is more serious challenge to global security – the Arctic is bordered by five NATO members.
why can’t anyone stop him?
This is not good.
Ohbaba said Russia wasn’t a major league player?
Looks like we need them to protect us.
Obama is going to get us nuked off the face of the earth.
And yet we still let the asshats in the government provoke the rest of the world. Syria, Isis, and Turkey are the problem right now. We should be fighting against the problem, not creating a start of another world war. Let’s make our government do as we say, like the constitution states, before its to late. This time life on this planet will cease to exist if we do not act!!!
Like he cares!
Ww3 is just over the horizon
Obummer building airstrips is the new climate change you better go there to find out what’s going on
Make sure you mention that this is merely a result of the GLOBAL WARMING HOAX, you moron!