As Russian warships rain down cruise missiles as part of its military strike in Syria, there’s now a glaring absence in the region: For the first time since 2007, the U.S. Navy has no aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf.
Military officials report the USS Theodore Roosevelt, which is home to about 5,000 service members and 65 combat planes, has left so that it can “undergo maintenance.” The ship officially exited the gulf around 11 p.m. ET. The temporary measure is also the result of Obama and Democrat mandatory budget cuts. More disconcerting material on the next page:
yawn…there are land bases and the boat is being releaved in a few days…dont be goofy
They have several left, just 1 in the Persian gulf area is all
I think hussein was told to leave and not look back!
This carrier was pulled from there 6 months ago for maintenance
First we gave up the So. China seas to China, now giving this to the Russians??????
What else will dictator Obama do next ? His administration must go.. This is not the America I grew up in. God help us.
I agree … I bet hardly anyone even remembers that
This is the more flexibility Obama told Putin.
At least there’s action?