Donald Trump may have found a new friend in his fight against the Democrats, Republicans, media — basically everybody — over his controversial call to ban non-Citizen Muslims into the United States of America. In an interesting twist, his new ally comes in the form of a usual adversary, Rupert Murdoch.
Murdoch has recently found himself sparring with the presidential candidate over comments the GOP hopeful made against popular Fox News host Megyn Kelly. Trump called for a boycott of the network in response, and Murdoch himself released statements condemning Trump’s accusations of bias by the network.
It looks as if that’s water under the bridge now, as Murdoch recently posted a tweet of support for Trump’s controversial new proposal.
While the endorsement was lukewarm, he conceded that the plan was at least “common sense” and reflects other Republican’s strategy to combat religious radicals by the U.S. congress.
See Rupert Murdoch’s response on the next page:
All muslim invaders must be stopped from entering our country and the ones already here should be returned to their own lands.ASAP…
donald seems to be more aware of our laws then the others as far as immigration.can you imagine if our leaders actually held to there oaths of office and enforced our laws in which we the people hired them to do ,and not just the ones they want to to suite there lobbyist driven agendas: The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27,1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States, which will also be one of the laws that must be enforced. This act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the Immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization intent on overthrowing the Government of the United States by “Force, Violence, or other unconstitutional means.” This law by its’ very definition, rules out the Islamic Immigration into the United States, however this law isn’t being Enforced by the White House or Congress. Islamic Immigration to the US should be prohibited under this Law as the Qur’an, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US Government, US Constitution, and the the Republic itself. All Muslims who attest that the Qur’an is the their life guiding principal and thereby submit to Islam and it’s type of government are thereby not eligible to Immigrate into the US. Politically Correct Followers say the Muslims can’t be kept from entering the US as Islam is a Religion, when in fact its’ an Ideology. Religion or not isn’t relevant as the the Law clearly states Aliens associated / affiliated with an “organization” which advocates the overthrow of the US Government are Prohibited from Immigrating into the US.
maybe we hang him for his treason with a soft rope…..
I agree but he’s still a two face.
trump does not need any one to back him up but ,, WE THE PEOPLE ,,these other jokers can just step aside
Make these Syrian muslims get into America the old fashioned way. Make them come across the Mexican border like the more respectable terrorists do.
WHAT??? Have NO idea what YOU are trying to say???