Donald Trump may have found a new friend in his fight against the Democrats, Republicans, media — basically everybody — over his controversial call to ban non-Citizen Muslims into the United States of America. In an interesting twist, his new ally comes in the form of a usual adversary, Rupert Murdoch.
Murdoch has recently found himself sparring with the presidential candidate over comments the GOP hopeful made against popular Fox News host Megyn Kelly. Trump called for a boycott of the network in response, and Murdoch himself released statements condemning Trump’s accusations of bias by the network.
It looks as if that’s water under the bridge now, as Murdoch recently posted a tweet of support for Trump’s controversial new proposal.
While the endorsement was lukewarm, he conceded that the plan was at least “common sense” and reflects other Republican’s strategy to combat religious radicals by the U.S. congress.
See Rupert Murdoch’s response on the next page:
Here is a 1400 year history lesson. over 270 million people have been killed in the name of Allah.
About time Murdoch got smart.
I would not be offended … if the people who fail to see what Trump is trying to do never talks to me again. If they cannot or will not see this or think this through they are not smart enough to talk to me … go away never to return.
They are not Syrian refugees. They are an army of 95% men marching through europe chanting death to america, we’re coming to take your country and are from all over the middle east and Africa. This is a cover up.
These muslims have bitten the hand that feeds Them .You murder 14 and wounded 17 people in San Bernardino, Ca – Enough Is Enough Ban all muslims Also there was reason why muslims have been Banned before in the USA – 1952 , 1978
VOTE for Donald Trump for President to Save America! Donald Trump is the only one who says what needs to be said. We need a strong leader to take on this worldwide threat. He is the only candidate that has the resolve that is needed to Save America !
Yes sir
Saudi Arabia and Jordan’s refusal to allow Syrian or any other country refugees isn’t an insult to the Muslim religion? These are Muslim Countries. These Muslim countries are refusing on the same grounds as Trump et al have expressed. NATIONAL SECURITY.