Donald Trump may have found a new friend in his fight against the Democrats, Republicans, media — basically everybody — over his controversial call to ban non-Citizen Muslims into the United States of America. In an interesting twist, his new ally comes in the form of a usual adversary, Rupert Murdoch.
Murdoch has recently found himself sparring with the presidential candidate over comments the GOP hopeful made against popular Fox News host Megyn Kelly. Trump called for a boycott of the network in response, and Murdoch himself released statements condemning Trump’s accusations of bias by the network.
It looks as if that’s water under the bridge now, as Murdoch recently posted a tweet of support for Trump’s controversial new proposal.
While the endorsement was lukewarm, he conceded that the plan was at least “common sense” and reflects other Republican’s strategy to combat religious radicals by the U.S. congress.
See Rupert Murdoch’s response on the next page:
Paul Denton yes it will
Claudia Nolander that is the truth
These people complain constantly about what we don’t have here in this county that they had, and also demand what they think we should get rid of her in this county and it sounds to me like they want our country to be like their’s so why did they come here in the first place? Was it welfare? Could someone explain why you would come to a country you are not happy with. I agree with Donald Trump I believe they just want our country. I think we would be wise to just stop where we are and think this whole thing over. I’m voting for Mr. Trump.
keep up what were doin, and we’ll have another “crusades” on our hands
murdock has some clout in this country, let him tell people why too and it will convince more people Trump is right . Some people won’t listen because they don’t like Trump .
yep Carter did it and everyone is acting like this is a new thing , perfectly legal and we actually don’t even have to let them in ever Found in Chapter 2 , Section 212 , is the prohibition of entry to the U.S if the Alien belongs to an organization seekin to overthrow the govermment of the United States by ” force, violence or other unconstitutional means “
Murdoch is right.
Common sense is what our nation has abandoned for political correctness ! Soon we will have neither !
Common sense it something demorats and libatards do not have. Dont believe me, look at the black muslimi in chief.
Thank you Mr. Murdoch. It’s about time another great business man stepped up