Donald Trump may have found a new friend in his fight against the Democrats, Republicans, media — basically everybody — over his controversial call to ban non-Citizen Muslims into the United States of America. In an interesting twist, his new ally comes in the form of a usual adversary, Rupert Murdoch.
Murdoch has recently found himself sparring with the presidential candidate over comments the GOP hopeful made against popular Fox News host Megyn Kelly. Trump called for a boycott of the network in response, and Murdoch himself released statements condemning Trump’s accusations of bias by the network.
It looks as if that’s water under the bridge now, as Murdoch recently posted a tweet of support for Trump’s controversial new proposal.
While the endorsement was lukewarm, he conceded that the plan was at least “common sense” and reflects other Republican’s strategy to combat religious radicals by the U.S. congress.
See Rupert Murdoch’s response on the next page:
Common Sense is something the leader’s of this country seriously lack!!!!
yes…and anyone remember 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing? now San Bernardino! What next?
Smart man
Rupert, glad you agree with us. he world’s freeloaders will always vehemently agree and they should not be given a pass yet again.
1400 years and you still have not made yourselves to be important because of great achievements. Oil…? American companies established the business for your countries. Spain kicked you out although those Arabs were of a different stock that cannot be compared to todays “peaceful” killers. Keeep dreaming, you will never win.
We are at war the Islamic muslims have attacked us over and over and we continue to allow the enemy to come into our nation. How stupid is that ….If someone threatens to kill you and your family you invite them in to your home to live with you ?…Seems Obama can’t keep track of 2 Afghans ( missing from an Air Force training camp in Georgia ) ……how is he going to track 100,000 muslims he wants to bring into our nation .
So wait, Obama’s magical “vetting” machine FAILED to detect that Tashfeen Malik was already radicalized?!
Obama: how exactly does your “vetting” process detect the silent hate inside one’s heart? Apparently it doesn’t……..Breibart
We should ban the coloreds too and put the Japanese in internment camps. See where I’m going with this?
Ban Japanese people too because pearl harbor. See what I’m getting at?