Marco Rubio continually loses his way and forgets that the main stream of American society is feeling alienated and disenfranchised. And it seems that Rubio can be bought and will change, chameleon-like, depending on who he is talking to and what he hopes to benefit from them.
Of course, the biggest mistake he made is with the Gang of Eight and the amnesty program. He made common cause with Democrats who want lots of new Latino voters who will be Democrats for life if they are given amnesty. He did this to unite with big business, which means donors, who want cheap labor. He ignored the fact that millions of illegal immigrants are flooding the country, taking jobs that Americans will do, taking lots of government services, and disrupting societies and standards. There is no attempt to assimilate, only to impose. Rubio later tried to explain after it cost him his credibility, but he was caught lying. His believability has sunk to new lows, and now he has decided to throw in with another group that is not interested in assimilating. He is simply digging a bigger and bigger hole.
Rubio against U.S. citizens again, page 2:
Ban them from our country, then you won’t have to ban them from anything here.
Heres a thought:
These bloody murderers have been terrorizing people all over the world for cenruries, they need to be wiped from the face of the earth.
They should have been banned from america.
Mike Brazell
No, Mike, but I’m not a dumbed down, gullible, brainwashed, ‘Murican idiot either!
This “war on terror” is a SCAM just like the “war on poverty” and the “war on drugs!”
Only the most gullible, blind, govt loving and trusting idiots believe otherwise!
9/11 was planned, carried out and executed by the US, Israel and the Saudis just so little “geniuses” like yourself would beg govt to “protect” you from “dem, big, bad, mean ole terrorists” and you fools have been suckers for too long!
Aren’t you tired of being played as a fool by the same, tired, worn out con job?
The Truth about the “War on Terror”
Mike Brazell
The truth that neither your favorite talk show host who is heavily invested in the military industrial complex or your preacher never bothered telling you!
History of the Theft of Palestine and the Jewish Invention of Modern Terrorism
You’re the one who will be surprised by God when he condemns you for suppporting the Synagogue of Satan, aka f**e Jews, and their murder, lies and theft because you were dumb enough to believe they’re “God’s chosen people,” Mike Brazell!
You still stumping for the Fair Tax?
Gail Cheatwood
” Not when it’s our politicians! Their either on our side or against us!”
Strange thing: the US Congress has been so overtaken by Israeli citizens that US Congressmen must now pledge allegiance to Israel if they hope to be elected.
You were saying something about taking sides against us…
Turn off Faux News and learn about America’s crimes against Muslims, the world and all humanity before you and your arrogance destroy this nation, Edward Danielson!
I would ask you how many Muslims you know PERSONALLY but I haven’t met a single “expert” Islamaphobe that knew any since they get their “expertise” dished out to them by “conservative” talk show hosts who are heavily invested in the military industrial complex so they NEED more war to fatten their wallets or preachers who are as dumb as these self imagined “experts” on Islam!