Marco Rubio continually loses his way and forgets that the main stream of American society is feeling alienated and disenfranchised. And it seems that Rubio can be bought and will change, chameleon-like, depending on who he is talking to and what he hopes to benefit from them.
Of course, the biggest mistake he made is with the Gang of Eight and the amnesty program. He made common cause with Democrats who want lots of new Latino voters who will be Democrats for life if they are given amnesty. He did this to unite with big business, which means donors, who want cheap labor. He ignored the fact that millions of illegal immigrants are flooding the country, taking jobs that Americans will do, taking lots of government services, and disrupting societies and standards. There is no attempt to assimilate, only to impose. Rubio later tried to explain after it cost him his credibility, but he was caught lying. His believability has sunk to new lows, and now he has decided to throw in with another group that is not interested in assimilating. He is simply digging a bigger and bigger hole.
Rubio against U.S. citizens again, page 2:
G******n you idiots. Why does we the people have to share? What do they bring to the table besides complaints? They have a homeland, let them go live there. They can always adopt an American lifestyle since they are in america. Why do they have to claim what they are over and over. They should do what they’re told and keep their mouths shut.
F*** you Rubio you haven’t learned what the American people want the Muslims don’t belong here when are you people going to get it through your head they put the American people in danger every single day
No its not, you are a fool Rubio.
Puck you, let’s just ban them from America
When are you all going to wake up?
The truth about the “war on terror”
Aren’t ya’ all tired of falling for the same, tired, overused con job?
Marco sometimes you should shut up
Now why go to a gun range.dont need them here to turn on us and bring there sharia law here and all the other garbage they practice
B******t! It’s common sense! They earned every ban possible ! Period!
That’s why he’s not the presumptive nominee.