Marco Rubio, darling of the floundering establishment wing of the GOP, has for months been attacked by the likes of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz for his soft stance on illegal immigration, but now it seems as if he’s trying to put those accusations to rest… by proving them correct.
In a recent interview, Marco Rubio confirmed that, if elected President, he would allow the vast majority of illegal immigrants to continue to live in the United States, regardless of the fact that they have no right to do so in the first place.
Not only does that only weaken the foundation of our current legal immigration system, it is a direct blow to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump’s fiercely strict enforcement policies on the matter. Marco’s liberal stance is likely why he polled so badly among those who considered immigration their most important issue in this week’s Iowa caucus. As he continues on in an attempt to capture conservative’s votes, this position may very well be his undoing.
Not to mention his party’s, as the millions he intends to keep here are sure to be Democrat voters should they ultimately gain citizenship.
To read more from Marco’s interview, continue reading on the next page:
Build a wall!
Go away. Just go.
Rubio go home. You are part of the problem. American Citizens that love our country will never vote for you. We are standing with Trump. He will make our country Greater and Safer than ever. God Bless the USA and God Bless Donald Trump. DonaldTrump/2016
No Way!
Rubio is a POS
Rubio is just another RINO fraud like Jeb.
Rubio, you belong on the other side of the fence. I see your name over there with Obama, Hillary and Bernie. You