Why in the world Marco Rubio would talk to NPR is puzzling. However, he did so and responded to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump calling him a “clown” at the Values Voter Summit on Friday.
“Well look, I’m not interested in the back and forth to be a member or a part of his freak show,” Rubio said. “I would just say this — he is a very sensitive person. He doesn’t like to be criticized. He responds to criticism very poorly. He had a speech in South Carolina to an empty crowd. More of Rubio’s comments on the next page:
Then go the hell away!
Good then since Rubio is the real freak please get out of the race
I don’t guess Donald Trump want any part of your weak show either
Marco pleas puck up your tent and get on home.
Stupid talk …………….. from a stupid loser !!!!!!!!!!
Go campaign with the illegals!
stfu Rubio, Trump is ahead because the repubs lied after winning in 2010 and did nothing to stop O. Better we try a non-politician
Not really interested in him
Rubio…put down your guns an go home ..you aint near half the man Trump is ..