Why in the world Marco Rubio would talk to NPR is puzzling. However, he did so and responded to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump calling him a “clown” at the Values Voter Summit on Friday.
“Well look, I’m not interested in the back and forth to be a member or a part of his freak show,” Rubio said. “I would just say this — he is a very sensitive person. He doesn’t like to be criticized. He responds to criticism very poorly. He had a speech in South Carolina to an empty crowd. More of Rubio’s comments on the next page:
this clown has not looked in a mirror lately, he is the freak show, a spitting freak !!
He wants to be part of the freak show crossing the borders
Don’t worry Rubio. You want be idiot. Go trump go
Rubio, es un payasote…
He want to be ringmaster of his own circus!!! He don’t want to share the spotlight…
That won’t be a problem
I’ve been called worse personally! LOL 🙂 And MY eternity will look a lot better than those who have sold OUR sovereignty to the UN!
Then get the he’ll out of the race..we’re sick of politicians!
He called every American that will vote for Trump a freak, do we want a president that thinks at least one a American is a freak?