Oh, say it ain’t so…
Marco Rubio, a Republican presidential candidate, was the deciding vote necessary for the U.S. Senate to clear the final 60-vote threshold and eventually, later this week, send to President Barack Obama’s desk the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill that would fast-track at least three highly secretive trade deals that Obama has been negotiating for years. Read on the next page about how Rubio gave Obama exactly what he sought:
I love to see how they are committed before the elections, we know how to vote by there showings now.
RINO hunting season is open
Just another RHINO corporate bought Hack, he will not get my vote …
Never liked him anyway.
hey rubio u like obumers butt to
Then he should rxcuse himself from the presidential race.
carly is a sell out too !!!!
He’s a life long Rino and amnesty Pimp.
Get rid of these losers and get on the Trump Train to the whitehouse Go Trump Go