Marco? Where are you? It is an important day in South Carolina for the remaining Republican candidates, with polls showing Trump ahead Cruz and Rubio. The stakes are high, yet Rubio may have just destroyed any chance at gleaning conservative votes by backing out of his scheduled appearance at the Conservative Review Conference just five minutes prior to going on stage.
Offering an explanation, Rubio’s campaign informed the conference, “FYI – Because of a delay in today’s schedule, Marco is unable to make the event below tonight. Senator Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Congressman Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) attended to represent the campaign. Tomorrow’s schedule remains unchanged,”
In such a tight race, one must do whatever it takes to hit every available platform to speak, especially those places where one is not warmly welcomed in order to win some hearts and effectively communicate away concerns. But for many conservatives, Rubio’s position on “amnesty for illegals” is not something that can be easily communicated away. Read the comments from the Cruz campaign and Mark Levin, who was hosting the conference, on the next page.
Hahaha, Laura, that was a good 1.
Flak! He’s not my choice, and this guy is a f**e and a lier! Go Trump!
Both Rubio and Cruz are useless corrupt career politicians. Time to take back our country. There is only one clear choice. Trump is raising a MEGA-Movement, a counter-revolution, by standing against the Globalist Elite that own both the Republican and Democrat Parties, and own the Media that own all the Spin Doctors like NeoCon Review’s gang of 22, Charles Krauthammer, and Megyn Kelly. He is standing against the establishment that controls the six corporations that own the T.V. and radio media, all of the major news papers, most of the small so-called independent papers, and the 99 percent of the publishing houses. These are the people that also own and control the Federal Reserve and all the Western Central Banks that have held our economy hostage to their New World Order Agenda, robbed us of Constitutional Governance, and relegated our children and Grand Children to debt slavery in a quasi-Marxist Poverty State. From Robert Snowden: This ELECTION is between Donald Trump and the Globalist Criminals that control every aspect of our Government, every NGO that is pushing a Globalist agenda – from the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros, UNESCO, USAID, and the Clinton Foundation. Simply put, this is the most important election in our life time. VOTE TRUMP!
He needed to go get a drink!
Rubio is just puppet don’t vote Rubio
Someone hold up a crucifix?
Both Republicans and Democrats are scared. Even Obummer is trying to tell us that we can’t vote for Trump because we are stupid. We are too stupid to handle a gun and too stupid to vote. It’s because we are not conforming to what the Establishment and Society is choosing for us. People can’t believe that the silent majority is finally standing up and choosing who WE want not who THEY want us to pick. They cannot control us and that’s why they are scared. They don’t want Trump because the Trump Train will stop the Gravy Train. Lots of power and money at stake. TRUMP is self funding..let’s look straight ahead and don’t get side tracked. We are making history. Next election won’t be as hard because people will know that we all have a choice. American land of the free to vote for whoever you want! We the people want and will vote for TRUMP 2016!
Rubio is just another RINO that will give 20 million illegals a free path to citizenship!
He is hung over from celebrating coming in a distant second