The problem with lies is twofold: First, you have to remember the lie exactly right each time to hold up the falsehood. Secondly, the truth comes out eventually. That leads us to Barack Obama.
Ah, that crafty President Obama made two secret side deals with Iran and apparently forgot to tell his countrymen about it. That means he Broke the Law by Not Turning Over the Side Deals.
Find out what happens next on the following page:
Heres a side deal for you your both going down we win the rightuss win you lose by the power of the blood in the name of jesus we will indore till the end and we will over come
Not anything new!
Yes he does
The scumbag typical c**p.
Don’t be stupid one of the other either congress is afraid of him or with him either way they know what he is doing and are as guilty as he is and should be charged. This is why they are not pushing for impeachment.
Them two,are just like
And as usual,nothing happens to the King of Amerika.