America has had many boogeymen, some real, some not so much. China is the latest hobgoblin that we should all be focused on – we are told. Not that the CCP isn’t a threat, but wasn’t it just yesterday that we were all told that the entire US government had been infiltrated with the Muslim Brotherhood? That we should all be consumed with the threat of Sharia law being imposed on us? Heck, we even ran pieces promoting that idea:
“Sharia law is a very serious threat in America. We are being invaded by a group of people who see it as their absolute imperative to establish a legal system in America which will in fact destroy our Constitution and be replaced with this thing called Sharia law,” states retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin.
We won’t get into the history of threatening elements that have been paraded in front of us at this point. Let’s get back to the Biden diagnosis.
Is there someone pulling China’s strings? Consider this work by Alex Newman of The New American in the video below.
Following are key points in the video:
— Top globalists have been publicly saying that China should own or run the New World Order, such as when George Soros said in 2010 that the Chinese have a “better functioning government” than the U.S. does. Soros has also been busy doing everything that he can to undermine institutions in the U.S. such as by infiltrating its Churches with leftist agendas.
— Communist China has been the most murderous dictatorship in all of history, yet the global elite has constantly been pushing for it to play a greater role in world affairs. For example Obama’s treasury secretary Timothy Geithner has said that he is open to China’s proposal for a global currency.
— David Rockefeller, one of the most influential members of the global elite, has supported Communist China during his entire life— even during the homicidal reign of Mao Tse Tung of which Rockefeller said in 1973, “The social experiment in China under chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”
—The Chinese were very “successful” in exterminating human beings. R.J. Rummel at the University of Hawaii, one of the foremost authorities in “democide” (which means when people are killed by their own government) has detailed how China has killed over 77 million of its own people, not including the many additional that have been murdered in forced abortions due to China’s one child policy.
— Despite the savagery of China, the Communist Chinese are very active in taking over international organizations, such as by having agents running agencies like the UN Industrial Development Organization which is transferring Western power over to third world kleptocrats such as the ones running North Korea and Cuba.
— The Chinese also run other UN agencies such as the International Telecommunications Union which wants to regulate and censor the internet; the Industrial Development Organization; the Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization; the International Civil Aviation Organization which wants to put international taxes on air travel; and the Food and Agricultural Organization.
— The Chinese also sit on the UN Human Rights Council, which is indicative of the UN’s actual attitude about human rights.
— The Chinese runs the UN Department of Social Affairs (DESA), and until recently the World Health organization was under the leadership of a Communist agent Margaret Chan.
— Multiple UN agencies have Communist agents as “deputy leaders”, such as UNESCO, which is a global “education ministry” that is trying to internationalize and dumb down the indoctrination process that is taking place in government schools. INTERPOL (The International Criminal Police Organization) was recently under the control of a Chinese agent (who was also arrested for not obeying the orders the Communist Chinese party.)
— The Communist Chinese are very open about their intentions of wanting to run the New World Order, such as by saying at a 2014 G77+ conference in Bolivia that it wants the “New World Order to live well”, and saying “We stress the importance of the central role of the United Nations in the global economic governance.” They also called for the UN general assembly to be “an emblem of global sovereignty.”
— Newman calls the UN General Assembly “the Dictator’s Club”, since it includes many tyrannical countries such as North Korea whose votes carry the same weight as the vote of the U.S.— thus making it the foundation of a totalitarian “global government.”
— Beyond taking over existing globalist institutions, China is also building their own institutions such as recently creating the Asian Infrastructure Investment bank which they own and control, and also creating the “One Belt One Road” agenda where they are taking control of the transportation infrastructure of Asia all the way to Europe and Africa.
— The global political establishment actually even initially facilitated the Communist Chinese being empowered through the help of groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). A good book about that subject is “Again, may God forgive us!”, by Robert Welch, which details how subversive agents in the U.S. government deliberately betrayed our ally Chiang Kai-shek and delivered China to the Communists.
— General Patrick Hurley, U.S. Ambassador to China said in 1945, “American diplomats surrendered the territorial integrity and the political independence of China .. and wrote the blueprint for the Communist conquest of China in a secret agreement at Yalta.”
— Recently the mass murdering dictator of Communist China Xi Jinping painted himself as “protecting the world order from Donald Trump” at a recent the World Economic Forum meeting.
— It is not possible to understand the New World Order unless you first understand what has happened with China in the past and what is happening with it today. China is essentially a “blueprint” for the New World Order, where a technocratic form of government rules over everyone whose cooperation is mandatory and forced by the State.
We are up against an amorphous global body of the super-rich and powerful who float above us all on a cloud protected by the establishments they have either created or taken over. They indeed have a well-thought-out plan and we see it in real-time getting more intense by the day. How do you deal with such a threat? It isn’t playing on their battlefield, that is for sure.
Source: TheGatewayPundit,
So, we need to do a 1776 plan again?