Root: Biden is Obviously Not in Charge. So, Who is Really Running the Country? The Answer Will Shock You.

Root: Biden is Obviously Not in Charge. So, Who is Really Running the Country? The Answer Will Shock You.

Nationally syndicated radio host and author Wayne Allyn Root recently penned an article that sought to reveal the identity of the person or entity who is pulling Biden’s strings – the ‘ventriloquist’ who is really calling all the shots and running our country.

Sen. Risch recently grilled Secretary of State Anthony Bliden with the same type of question during a Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing. Blinken was obviously caught off guard by the inquiry, which served more as an assertion.

“One of the things we need to get to the bottom to is who is responsible for this? Who made the decisions?” Risch said, referring to Biden’s Afghanistan debacle. The Senator then added that Biden “can’t even speak without someone in the White House censoring it or signing off on it.”

Risch further urged “This is a puppeteer act, if you would, and we need to know who’s in charge and who is making the decisions.”

“Somebody in the White House has authority to press the button and stop the president, cut off the president’s speaking ability and sound. Who is that person?” Risch then directly asked Blinken, who denied that this had ever happened or that there was any such person.

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