Romney added that he thinks Trump will “have some challenges if he proceeds to the next stage” and that he thinks “to a degree” Trump’s comments and style “do” hurt the GOP as a whole.
While Romney previously predicted that Trump won’t win the nomination, his change of tone in this Axelrod interview seems to indicate he’s now entertaining the possibility of a nominee Donald Trump. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker–a now former 2016 GOP presidential candidate, noted that he believes Trump has a shot at winning the nomination now. Trump continues to absolutely dominate GOP presidential primary polling, in some cases doubling up second place candidates.
Source: Breitbart
The GOP, except for the Tea Party, does not have the outspoken edge or the personality that the charismatic Trump carries.
Romney lost the election in 2012 after winning the nomination against a fairly weak GOP primary field. He also lost in 2008, failing to win the nomination against wimpy Sen. John McCain (R-AZ).
Romney has lost every presidential election in which he’s ever competed; some Republicans still inexplicably gravitate to him and his inner circle for political advice.
Earlier, Romney met with several candidates, including “Mr. 4%” former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, whom the liberal media is still touting as the eventual candidate, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL),—the two leading candidates —in New Hampshire. In the interview, Romney spoke very highly of both Rubio and Bush. At least as highly as someone like Romney can speak of someone.
doesn’t hurt to listen
Romey is a loser just like Gore
trump for president , go donald ,
someone tell mittyboy to STFU and STFD
How to win it or how to throw it
So a quitter is lecturing a sure winner on how to win an election? LOL
Yeah right !!