The GOP establishment is terrified of Trump, so much so that it trotted out one of its most prominent puppets to attack him as he wins victory after victory in the party primaries.
Going out of his way to denounce the GOP frontrunner, Mitt Romney criticized Trump on virtually every issue before an audience at the University of Utah. With Romney’s background as governor of Massachusetts and the party nominee in 2012, he is easily amongst the highest profile Republicans to oppose the Donald.
Unlike his failed campaign against President Obama in 2012, Romney pulled no punches against Trump, referring to him as a “phony, a fraud,” and said that “His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University.”
However, the former governor didn’t always speak so harshly about Trump. Just four years ago, when he was struggling to rally conservatives against Obama, Romney deliberately sought and earned the endorsement of Trump. Not only did he get it, he lauded the real estate tycoon as one of many “people across this country who care about the future of America.”
Watch video of Mitt Romney praising Donald Trump on the next page:
Is he still wearing the knee pads he had on when he begged Trump to endorse him in 2012?
He wasn’t phony when you wanted his money. You are the phony.
Please post on Facebook so we can share.
Romney is irrelevant —- he has proven he is nothing more than a shill for the GOP.
Janie Buckman … If you put your finger on the post, a copy sign will pop up … then you can paste it.
phony RINO !
Two-faced hypocrite.
Romney’s a douche
Why do you think that Mitt went to the University of Utah to make his speech against Trump ? He knew he would be applauded on every word that Mitt the Mormon Romney would say. Had he tried that speech in anywhere USA it would have been met with negative results. He’s a hypocrite with his Jesus jammies on thinking he can do no wrong. Don’t think for a second that Mitt and his ilk didn’t have the KKK Klan member show up at Trumps speech to supply ammo for their next day attack on him , all scripted and thought out and fired from all sides. Slick Mitt is your typical Latter Day Saint alright…….just saying.