According to House Intel Chair Mike Rogers, Obama knows where the Benghazi terrorists are, but won’t go after them.
Rogers claims this is because of Obama’s ‘kindler, gentler approach” to Al-Qaeda.
So kind, I guess, that 1.5 years after the Benghazi attack we have done nothing? We’re ‘so kind’ to terrorists now that we don’t retaliate in any way for the deaths of Americans.
I appreciate Rogers pointing out that that Obama won’t go after the those responsible for the Benghazi attacks, even though we could, and I appreciate that he states Obama has a ‘softer, gentler approach’ to the terrorist group that we at one time considered our greatest threat, but it isn’t that Obama won’t go after the Benghazi terrorists because he ‘nicer’ to them.
What Rogers would probably like to say:
Obama won’t go after the Benghazi terrorists because for one, he just doesn’t care, and two, he certainly doesn’t want someone showing up in front of a camera saying something to indicate Obama’s true intentions and actions regarding Benghazi.
And secondly, Obama isn’t becoming ‘nicer’ to terrorists, he is one.
why should he their his brothers
then dont you think its time to get rid of the worthless muslim n****r
The pos is a leftist windsock, why can’t you get that into you overly analyzing heads.
You forgot he might or has family involved!!!
obama is an $#%&!@*
impeach the n****r
No he won’t, but he gave himself the right to take away any American’s assets who even makes an utterance against his foreign policies, without following the procedures that were in place before he signed his newest executive order, because now he can deem them a terrorist for speaking against him! Laughable……….he’s buddies with the real terrorists but wants to be able to point the finger at American citizens instead.
I’ve been ready to impeach him . I’m very surprised someone hasn’t already tried to assassinate him.
Could it be because he is a Muslim.
Put Clinton in Jail she knew about it but she covered it up by Saying she was sick she should be the one that should be hung by a tall tree with a Nice rope she is nothing but a damn liar but no one has the Balls to go after her or Obama they both knew about the attacks before it happened but with the cover up an the 6 billion dollars missing well they will cover it up even deeper it only proves that Washington is all about cover ups time they all get there Asses kick out of there they do nothing for our Great Nation buy line there own pockets will 6 billion dollars that they stole from us anyway funny thing is it was in the UK paper before it happen so why are they covering it up still