In a rather disturbing claim, the former bass player for the band The Scorpions states that he has attended a snuff party where people paid $100,000 to watch victims get murdered for entertainment.
In the video on the following page, Ralph Rieckermann is approached by a cameramen from TMZ, who jokingly asked if he was going to be attending any German fetish parties that night. At first Rieckermann laughed the comment off, but the exchange took a surprisingly dark turn.
Full of$#%&!@*as a turkeys$#%&!@*
I seen that movie.
It depends on the Liberal judge!
When good men stand by and do nothing, they become as culpable as the perpetrators.
This stuff is real; It happens every day. There is a lot of satanic evil this wicked world…
Where do you think many of the people that “disappear,” end up?
This stuff is real; It happens every day. There is a lot of satanic evil in this wicked world…
Where do you think that many of the people that just “disappear,” end up?
Wow the Clinton’s throw some wild parties.
Or they are called moderates.
Let me guess, those were all held at the Clinton Foundation headquarters.