Even the most delusional anti-Trump Republican seems to agree, the man they love to loathe is going to walk away from the GOP primary with more delegates than anyone in the race.
Any other year, this would seal a victory for the frontrunner. Those beaten would release their delegates to the frontrunner and the party would soldier to the general election as a cohesive, unified organization.
But this isn’t any other year, as Trump has disturbed all sense of normalcy and tradition in his bid to become the president of the United States, and the party isn’t happy.
The Republican Party has long been the party of ‘fall in line,’ and ‘wait your turn,’ and Donald Trump’s refusal to do either has enraged the establishment so fiercely that they’re now poised to do everything in their power to shut him down.
Reince Priebus, the head of the GOP establishment, seems so determined to get Trump off the national ticket that he’s willing to undermine the very democracy upon which his party is based.
See how he insulted Republican voters across the country on the next page:
Wrong AGAIN! You’ll find out.
people I hope will rally around Trump even more after this move ! We cannot have the other three elected ! These guys are in the back pocket of George Soro and the bunch that want open borders and one world gov’t. People had better wake up, after this coming election there will be no more ! Can’t you see the RNC doesn’t care about people leaving the party ! There will be no more parties, no more guns, no more Bill of Rights, no more borders, FEMA Camps for all who resist, Think it can’t happen here ! It’s already happening…….Adolf$#%&!@*style…..slowly at first !
He can eat the delegates because Trump will get 80% of the VOTES.
WELL NOW hope he is half smart as he thinks he is . Because if they choose anyone but Trump or Cruz there done for ever
Your party is going down. A republican couldn’t win against Satan. Oh wait a minute they’ve already proved that in the last two elections.
he sold his soul to the devil also, just like most all of them. your eternal life is in Hell. enjoy
Trump will be the right choice
Marie Lawrence maybe you should listen to these “stupid” people. Apparently they are not as dumb as you would like to believe.
GOP needs to be dissolved, vote TRUMP, start an American Party