One of the many failures of the Obama administration has been his presiding over deteriorating racial relations – while inflaming them. While this disaster hasn’t been restricted just to tensions between African-Americans and whites, that’s been where the problem has become the most pronounced. This is especially tragic given that just the opposite result was hoped for by the election of the nation’s first black president.
While he was very eager to weigh-in on the tragic shooting in Ferguson, he will not condemn violence. In fact, he’s very comfortable meeting with BLM leaders right after a group of six African-American teens beat up a Marine. And he couldn’t even have his press secretary send a note to the victim’s family.
More on Obama’s dereliction of his responsibilities on page two.
good job yes, advise anyone stupid enough to listen to you to cause trouble until someone shoots them in the face thats a good way to show them you care lmao go demand your reperations stand in that line over there its only a couple hundred year wait to the front and i promise you wont miss out on a quality life while you’re waiting for generations with your hand out
Agree Patricia Lopez
yes obama lead your sheep to slaughter.. pit them against the militarized police force and watch them get smeared like jelly lmao now thats entertainment.. obama loves you occupiers now go die for him
Disgraceful got
All the hate is coming from the left.
WHAT A SICK$#%&!@*PICE OF$#%&!@*
Obama is not my president.
Muslim mouth.
Apes wearing heels?