U.S. Special Operations forces captured one of the suspected leaders of the Benghazi terrorist attacks, Ahmed Abu Khattala, in a secret raid in Libya last Sunday after months of planning with the FBI.
Unfortunately, Special Operations forces have yet to pick up Obama and Hillary.
The officials said Ahmed Abu Khattala was captured Sunday near Benghazi by American troops, working alongside the FBI, following months of planning, and was now in U.S. custody “in a secure location outside Libya.” The officials said there were no casualties in the operation and that all U.S. personnel involved have safely left Libya.
Abu Khattala’s apprehension is a major victory for the Obama administration, which has been criticized for having failed so far to bring those responsible for the Benghazi attacks to justice.
Speaking at TechShop in Pittsburgh, Pa., President Obama praised U.S. Special Operations forces for “showing incredible courage and precision” in capturing Abu Khattala, who Obama said “is alleged to have been one of the masterminds” of the Benghazi attacks.
“He is now being transported back to the United States,” Obama said.
“We continue to think about and pray for the families of those who were killed during that terrible attack,” the president added. “But more importantly, it’s important for us to send a message to the world that when Americans are attacked, no matter how long it takes, we will find those responsible, and we will bring them to justice. And that’s a message I sent the day after it happened, and regardless of how long it takes, we will find you.”
A three-count criminal complaint filed by the FBI last July and unsealed in federal court in the District charges Abu Khattala with “killing a person in the course of an attack on a federal facility involving use of a firearm” on Sept. 11-12, 2012, providing and conspiring to “provide material support to terrorists resulting in a death” and possessing and using a firearm during a crime of violence.
Conviction on the felony counts could make Abu Khattala eligible for the death penalty or life imprisonment. In a statement, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said the Justice Department could bring more charges against Abu Khattala.
The Washington Post learned about the capture Monday but agreed to a request from the White House to delay publication of a story because of security concerns.
Last year, the U.S. attorney in the District filed charges against Abu Khattala and at least a dozen others in connection with the Benghazi attacks. None besides Abu Khattala — who is expected to be arraigned in Washington — has been apprehended.
Officials, speaking on condition of anonymity about the still-secret operation, would not say where Abu Khattala was being held. They said he was “en route” to the United States but would not say when he was expected to arrive.
Several terrorist suspects abducted overseas have been held aboard U.S. naval ships at sea while being interrogated, after which they were turned over to FBI “clean teams” to question them for trial without endangering the admissibility of evidence.
The State Department designated Abu Khattala a terrorist in January, calling him a “senior leader” of the Benghazi branch of the militant organization Ansar al-Sharia, a group that arose after the 2011 fall of the Libyan regime of Moammar Gaddafi.
Ansar al-Sharia was also designated a terrorist organization and held specifically responsible for the Sept. 11, 2012, assault on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi that left U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens and State Department information management officer Sean Smith dead.
Two CIA contractors, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty, were killed early the next day in a mortar attack at a nearby CIA annex where the attackers moved after overrunning the diplomatic compound.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), the ranking Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told reporters after news of the capture broke that the administration had “been in touch with us for the last several days on this.”
“It’s good news,” Chambliss said. “He’s being interrogated right now.”
Oi, boa tarde! Eles podem estarem alterando partes dos textos e imprimido documentos que não tenho nem sequer conhecimento aqui nesta lam house – Fiquem de Olhos Abertos – Obrigado – Os textos estão indo em inglês e Português
Infelizmente as coisas estão bem piores! Os Magistrados Federal e Estadual, estão envolvidos em tudo o que está nos acontecendo desde sempre(2009)…
… Como Empresas privadas bilionárias estão envolvidas em varias outros crimes, e precisam mim pagarem uma indenização de “oitocentos milhões de Reais”(800., eles (o Poder Público e Magistrado) estão fazendo de tudo para mim enganarem com mulheres que são portadoras do vírus do HIV[justamente porque foram eles que fraudaram os resultados de todos os meus exames de HIV e dos demais exames]. Visto que eles não estão conseguindo mim enganar com essas mulheres que são portadoras do vírus do HIV, eles estão fazendo de tudo para tirar a minha vida.
Eles continuam colocando os animais peçonhentos dentro da minha casa. Eles continuam colocando os odores tóxicos dentro da minha casa… O pior de tudo isso, é que existem pessoas(outros monitoradores) que fica dizendo que ainda da tempo de mim ajudarem, e no entanto, nada fazem para mim ajudarem! Infelizmente, eles continuam tentando mim matar da maneira mas covarde que o Mundo poderá presenciar; quando todas as verdades forem esclarecidas ao Mundo, é claro.
Gostaria de fazer uma pergunta, a estas pessoas que estão nos monitorando: Porque não mim ajudar agora que ainda estou vivo? Porque todos vocês ficam dizendo que ainda dá tempo de mim ajudar e não mim ajudam logo de uma vez? Porventura, querem todos vocês ficarem com estas indenizações também, como os demais que são bandidos? Não será melhor, fazer Justiça comigo vivo? Até quando mas continuarei sofrendo desta forma sem que as Autoridades e Impressa Internacional e Nacional façam nada para nos ajudar a lutar pela vida? será que a minha morte vai da uma repercussão maior para a população mundial para que estejam procedendo desta forma convivente e passiva com todos estes Crimes Hediondos? Porventura, não será melhor mim ajudarem a lutar pela vida…? Estou cansado de tudo!!! Eles continuam dizendo que irão tirar a minha vida! Desta vez, disseram que será amanhã(19/06/2014)? …
… Sr. Presidente Barack Obama, por favor mim ajude! O juiz, DR. Victor Cretella Passos Silva, da Justiça Federal, agiu em passaria com a Previdência Social para não mim aposentarem, visando mim impedirem que eu tivesse recursos financeiros(os tempos de serviço da empresa de cartões de credito) de ir até os Estados Unidos para que todas as verdades sejam descobertas, e eu pudesse lutar pela vida! Por favor Sr. Presidente Barack Obama, eu lhe IMPLORO, mim ajuda a lutar pela vida, humanamente falando! Preciso sair do Brasil imediatamente! Estes bandidos(Poder Público em suas esferas, Magistrado em suas esferas, Governos em suas esferas, Empresas Privadas, E pessoas da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia) só não conseguiram mim matar, por que Deus está fazendo milagres! Se Deus está fazendo milagres, e mim mantendo vivo, é porque Eles tem grandes planos para minha! Porventura, Sr. Presidente Barack Obama, não quer o Sr. ser usando por Este Deus Maravilhoso, que Criou os Céus, a Terra, os Mares e as Fontes das Águas da vida, para mim ajudar a lutar pela vida e mim tirar das “mãos destes marginais (Poder Público, Magistrado, Governos, Empresas Privadas, e pessoas da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia)? NÃO QUERO MORRER, MAIS INFELIZMENTE ELES ESTÃO TIRANDO A MINHA VIDA! MIM AJUDAR POR FAVOR! Obrigado!
Que Deus continue abençoando a todos,
Um abraço,
Alex Sousa Gomes.
Hi, good afternoon! They may be changing parts of texts and printed documents that have not even known here in this house lam – Keep your Eyes Open – Thanks –
Unfortunately things are much worse! The Federal and State Magistrates, are involved in everything that is going on since forever (2009) …
How billionaire … Private companies are involved in several other crimes, and I need to pay an indemnity of “eight hundred million dollars” (800., they (the Public Power and Magistrate) are doing everything to seduce me with women who are carriers of the HIV virus [precisely because they were defrauded that the results of all my tests for HIV and other tests]. Since they are not able to fool me with these women who carry the HIV virus, they are doing everything to take my life.
They keep putting venomous animals inside my house. They keep putting toxic odors in my house … The worst of all this is that there are people (other stateful) that is saying yet the time to help me, and yet do nothing to help me! Unfortunately, they keep trying to kill me the way a coward but that the world may witness; when all truths are clarified to the world, of course.
I would like to ask a question to these people who are monitoring us: Why not help me now that I’m still alive? Because all of you are saying that there’s still time to help me and help me not just once? Do they want to stay with you all these claims too, as others who are thugs? There will be better, do me justice alive? Even when suffering but will continue this way without the Authorities and National and International Impressa do anything to help us fight for life? is that my death will the greater impact for the world population that are doing this cohabitant and passively with all these heinous crimes? Do they not be better to help me fight for life …? I’m tired of everything! They keep saying they will take my life! This time, they said it will be tomorrow (19/06/2014)? …
President Barack Obama … Please help me! The judge, DR. Victor Cretella Silva Passos, the Federal Court, acted with Social Security would not retire me, aiming prevent me I had financial resources (service times of company credit cards) to go to the United States for all truths are discovered, and I could fight for life! Please Mr. President Barack Obama, I beg you, help me fight for life, humanly speaking! I need to leave Brazil immediately! These bandits (Public Power in their spheres, Magistrate in his balls, his balls Governments, private companies, and people of the Seventh-day Adventist Church) only failed to kill me, why God is doing miracles! If God is doing miracles, and keeping me alive is because they have big plans for me! Perhaps President Barack Obama, do not want to be using Mr. Wonderful by The God who created the heavens, the earth, the seas and the fountains of waters of life, to help me fight for life and I take the “these marginal hands (Government, Magistrate, governments, private companies, and people of the Seventh-day Adventist Church)? NOT WANT TO dIE, BUT UNFORTUNATELY THEY ARE TAKING MY LIFE! HELP ME PLEASE Thank you!
May God continue to bless all,
A hug,
Alex Sousa Gomes.
They found him in the White House?
BS. Just a thoigjt
Yeah he was in the white house picking up the medal of freedom from Omumbo.
Cut his head off and send it to obummer. Don’t waste any tax dollars on this murderer
It took over a year to capture someone who wasn’t even hiding and do you want to bet that he is going to say the reason for his participation was ….are you ready….the offensive video!!!!! As soon as they get him to recite his lines correctly.
NOW, Let’s Prosecute: BHO, Panetta, Biden, and Clinton for sitting on their LAZY ASSES and allowing this to happen in the first place!!
False flag people..