What does a rigged election look like? Just ask one Maryland Trump supporter who found her vote switched to Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump has been warning Americans of a rigged election for weeks. The Democrat party hand-picked Mrs. Clinton, the media protect Mrs. Clinton, and the government refuses to acknowledge voter fraud that helps Mrs. Clinton.
The first two steps of the plan have been well-documented. Emails released by WikiLeaks have proven that Bernie Sanders was sabotaged by the party during the primary and that the media were feeding debate questions to Clinton.
Now that voting has begun, we’re seeing evidence of the third and final step in a rigged election: Votes meant for Donald Trump are being counted for Clinton.
Read the story behind one woman who found experienced the phenomenon first hand in the report on the next page:
So sad where America is. I prY God
So sad what has happened to this great nation. I pray God will save us. Today’s complacency is tomorrow’s captivity.
Report it to the Trump campaign.
You should post that on Feb instead of replying to a post. Everyone needs to see this. Good job Roni
Must be a soros machine
Votes are always switched to Democrats. Isn’t that a crime?
Rhoda Carpenter
I’m single
Your pretty
Yet another “callibration error”. I can understand how a few machines, in a single state can be callibrated to switch GOP votes to Democrat votes, being evidence of local, isolated tampering, to commit voter fraud, but with several states experiencing the same “callibration error”, it is evidence of a massive, nation-wide effort to ateal the election. There appears to be election rigging, on multiple levels.
Oh but its being said that its the person voting who made the mistake not the machines. So everyone who says their vote switched is their own fault. I call b******t. Rigged is rigged and ut should be stopped. Also a lot of dead people voting. Maybe we should call them zombie voters.