What does a rigged election look like? Just ask one Maryland Trump supporter who found her vote switched to Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump has been warning Americans of a rigged election for weeks. The Democrat party hand-picked Mrs. Clinton, the media protect Mrs. Clinton, and the government refuses to acknowledge voter fraud that helps Mrs. Clinton.
The first two steps of the plan have been well-documented. Emails released by WikiLeaks have proven that Bernie Sanders was sabotaged by the party during the primary and that the media were feeding debate questions to Clinton.
Now that voting has begun, we’re seeing evidence of the third and final step in a rigged election: Votes meant for Donald Trump are being counted for Clinton.
Read the story behind one woman who found experienced the phenomenon first hand in the report on the next page:
I’m liken how you think. That would surely fix the problem. Hammers are great.
use paper to vote
Ironic how the little glitches are always in the Democrats’ favor.
It is not over yet. VOTE. Vote Trump!!!! Ask for paper ballot ONLY. Bring the voter fraud hotline phone # with you for yourstate. Call while there and do not leave the polls until something is done. Make your vote count as you want it!
If they have to cheat to win Americans need to not except her as president.
Voter fraud is wide spread always favor$#%&!@*Liberal Democrats election is rigged without question.
thank youeverybody have to watch out
Be vigilant! Ask for a paper ballot. Double check your vote. Don’t let them cheat you out of your vote! VOTE TRUMP