Daytime television can leave a lot to be desired. That said, there’s a lot of junk on TV 24-hours a day. Either what is supposed to be entertaining isn’t or sporting events have been contaminated with politics. All of this is symptomatic of a bigger problem. The political has taken over far too many areas of our lives. And, to make matters worse, the bulk of it comes from the left.
“The View” is a show that has little socially redeeming purpose. It is simply a forum for blasting out liberal ideas unimpeded by any serious thought or reflection. In fact, The View has a view that is so far to the left it cannot even see the right or conservative ideas. This place is the home of has-beens such as the Obamas, Clintons, and officeholders such as Nancy Pelosi. If it has a value, it is to demonstrate what extreme liberals believe. Watch at your own risk.’
With the debate over gun-control in full-swing, The View has weighed into this as expected. However, with two pro-Second Amendment guests, the result might not be what you are expecting. You can check things out for yourself on page two.
I always really liked her she is such an intellegant person !!!
Thank you
When 9-11 happened and she was National Security Advisor she was in a store buying new high heels.
Wonderful woman !
Now we need them to protect our salfs from government
Not buying it.
KKK, you mean Democrats with hoods.
And the KKK were mostly Democrats, check history!!!