“The second amendment shall not be infringed, you people need to understand that,” reporter Dan Bidondi recently told Rhode Island State Senator Josh Miller prior to gun laws hearings scheduled for that evening.
The Senator’s response: “Go f@#k yourself”
This is how far down the road to tyranny we are folks, not only are legislatures working overtime to pass draconian, unconstitutional gun laws, they are doing it with a pointed middle finger, acting more like a goons than politicians representing the people.
War is coming…
Hang this commie bastard and his entire family with him so the evil will die with them.
There’s a link to his fB profile. Have at it folks. Let’s all leave him some words of wisdom.
He needs to be removed from State Senator Seat!
I heard that the dept of wildlife management was considering open season on
Oops never mind
Real class for a senator
This is how the commies work at destroying America, not with a war but from within!!!
well Josh may you be the first to go to the internment camps, and you should be the first to be executed when the killing of American people start. The constitution was put in place and written to protect the citizens from people like you.
The tyrants are out of control Revolution is coming
This dick head better stay in RI
Now its time to do thing the old fashion ways,