“The second amendment shall not be infringed, you people need to understand that,” reporter Dan Bidondi recently told Rhode Island State Senator Josh Miller prior to gun laws hearings scheduled for that evening.
The Senator’s response: “Go f@#k yourself”
This is how far down the road to tyranny we are folks, not only are legislatures working overtime to pass draconian, unconstitutional gun laws, they are doing it with a pointed middle finger, acting more like a goons than politicians representing the people.
War is coming…
They told him to go $#%&!@* himself because he just started blabbering on without even introducing himself
Piece of trash, I would make him eat those words
Ironic that those who dare try to disarm us, are those who lack the means to implement their goals…. To gun-grabbers, my response is simple: come and GET them… IF you can….
Americans are fed up with Obama, politicians, the Fed, beaurocrats, political correctness, corruption in government, and the total disregard of the American peoples constitutional rights.
They didn’t show him aggressing elderly veterans “At the end of a press conference in which I participated, an individual representing a website notorious for conspiracy theories started berating members of the coalition and intimidating elderly veterans, members of the clergy and victims of violence.
“It quickly became a highly charged atmosphere, which required the presence of the Capitol Police. The individual in question is not new to the State House and is known for his aggressive and intimidating manner. He also was interrupting legitimate members of the media who were attempting to conduct interviews.
“After watching him antagonize an elderly veteran he swung his camera my way, which produced a very human and guttural reaction. I respect both the Second Amendment and the First Amendment. It is important to note that the individual in question was physically removed from a committee room by the Capitol Police later that evening.
How did RI elect these morons?
they are cult liberal demoRATS worthless of its kind,
Not getting any access to link…
YOU! JOSH MILLER! Come get ’em! We’ll just see who is going to go $#%&!@* themselves! You’re going to get a big bloody war $#%&!@*tard!