“The second amendment shall not be infringed, you people need to understand that,” reporter Dan Bidondi recently told Rhode Island State Senator Josh Miller prior to gun laws hearings scheduled for that evening.
The Senator’s response: “Go f@#k yourself”
This is how far down the road to tyranny we are folks, not only are legislatures working overtime to pass draconian, unconstitutional gun laws, they are doing it with a pointed middle finger, acting more like a goons than politicians representing the people.
War is coming…
Must be a Democrat!
he should be kick out of office right a way
Hey Lawrence Kreh. I don’t see anybody EVER saying they have a constitutional right to nuclear weapons. Or a “bazooka” as you say. So that’s not even a valid argument. And not to tout the normal pro second amendment talking points. But there is a difference between a clip and a magazine. The point with the liberal left, in reference to the 2nd amendment is they take, and take, and take. They can’t get an out right ban or a confiscation. They nickel and dime it. Start with 30rd magazines. Allow 10. Then when the next unfortunate shooting happens or ten years. Which ever is shorter. Ten rounds will no longer will no longer be acceptable. Then 5. Etc etc. As for drawing a line? I’m pretty sure that line was drawn with the AR 15 and 30 round magazines. You may seem some grey areas with that line but you will never see a national ban with out blood shed.
With an attitude like that he could easily be elected here in W.VA. That what all our elected officials say!!!
Why do all liberturds and democrats look and act like grossly deformed trolls?
They are going to get all these laws in place before they are voted out, Then the take over begins.
Name the city or state that is facing disarmament now, that is not ruled by an elitist group of “Democrat” Marxists.
The constitution seems to mean little to democrats!
The constitution seems to mean little to democrats!
George Washington said “I thought we were all gentlemen here”foul language is not excepted.