“The second amendment shall not be infringed, you people need to understand that,” reporter Dan Bidondi recently told Rhode Island State Senator Josh Miller prior to gun laws hearings scheduled for that evening.
The Senator’s response: “Go f@#k yourself”
This is how far down the road to tyranny we are folks, not only are legislatures working overtime to pass draconian, unconstitutional gun laws, they are doing it with a pointed middle finger, acting more like a goons than politicians representing the people.
War is coming…
Amazing. This man is no representative, he is a ruling elite.Or at least he thinks he is.
This guy should be kicked out of office
Kick the bastard out of office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a class act.
Throw his ass out on his worthless head,, another one that forgot who he works for..
His girlfriend in the black shirt even had to get in on it. Rhode Island voted for this Jack ass
i’m glad i don’t like in r.i, because i’d be in jail, for beating him like a rag doll., good example to kids wash his mouth our with soap od better make him eat some realy hot peppers
The language is offensive and the guy is probably a jerk. BUT second amendment rights do not mean unlimited access to arms. Or does it? Assault weapons, multiple clips? What about bazookas, ammonia nitrate, nerve gas, and perhaps “small” nuclear arms. After all the 2nd Amendment puts no limitations on the right to bear arms. Right? If not, then it is only a matter of where you draw the line. Or is it??
It appears time to break that senator’s finger off and shove it down his throat, (if he is lucky).
Retire him to a communist country and let him t ell someone there that