“The second amendment shall not be infringed, you people need to understand that,” reporter Dan Bidondi recently told Rhode Island State Senator Josh Miller prior to gun laws hearings scheduled for that evening.
The Senator’s response: “Go f@#k yourself”
This is how far down the road to tyranny we are folks, not only are legislatures working overtime to pass draconian, unconstitutional gun laws, they are doing it with a pointed middle finger, acting more like a goons than politicians representing the people.
War is coming…
Vote him out!!
This guy can go F@$& self. It is our Right to own and carry arms. We need them to protect ourselves from these crazy people we used to call law makers in washington.
What an arrogant idiot! I love these all powerful all knowing arrogant liberals who think this country is theirs to run as they please, they forget they are there to do our bidding and uphold the constitution! He needs to be immediately removed from office for dereliction of duty!
His Dirty, It’s just a matter of time, before BIG Bubba is F%$^&* him in jail.
He talks sh*t with his goon next to him. What a POS
Come On Rhode Islanders do you realize that this little punk is stepping on your Constitutional rights. What a mental midget….
Our Constitution, provides for it’s citizens to overthrow the current administration, if we feel it is becoming tyrannical… Does this sound familiar??
This is what you get when you let little people hang out with big dummies! You get a little goon! I don’t know why or how people like him get elected!
Come on RI get him out of office!
Get rid of this hypocrite’ armed security detail