The media give the impression that Syrian refugees are just innocent , impoverished peopleĀ without any leadership or organization. Well, no need to guess.
The answer is on the next page, and it’s a name we are all familiar with; a long time backer of everything liberal:
george needs a bullett right between the f ng eye’s, hes pure evil and is working with obama and both are with satan ,nuff said. some one has to get this p o s.
I blame the G7
invading army horde of muslim breeders, parasites and ” COWARDS “
im not supprised and with this knolage some one should arest nand charge this so called eletest and stick him in prison
take down the:
Soros has spent over $1 Billion on obama’s political career and retirement.
Because it’s not just one super rich guy, it’s a whole team of them.
few actually refugees, most are an invading army
Looking at all these people why the hell do they not fight ? Fight for there freedom and way of life stop depending on the rest of the world !! Fight for your way of life